Release Your Inner Gamer: Loyalty Program
We have launched a two tier loyalty program at Gem City Games which includes the following parts:
The GEM DEAL for singles purchases!
Every time you buy $45 in single cards for any game you will receive a FREE pack of any game of no more than $5 in value.
This deal is stack-able so that if you buy $90 in singles, for instance, you will receive two free packs.
Must be purchased in one transaction and is not cumulative over multiple purchases.
Frequent Gamer Incentive Program!
Every time you come in and pay more than half the events entry fee to play in an event you will receive a stamp on your Frequent Gamer card.
Once you have accumulated ten stamps on your card, your next "Regular Event" will be FREE. Non-regular events such as pre-release events or otherwise will be fifty percent off.
"Regular Events" are events that happen on a weekly basis and does not include pre-release and sneak peak events.